
Player of the month

Harshvardhanrao - March 2024

Congratulations Harshvardhan Rao! You are the Star Player of National Active Championship NacFun, You are shining like a star, and with the help of your hard work and determination, you have achieved the ‘Player of the Month’ Title in National Active Championship NacFun for the month of March 2024. We are proud of you Harshvardhan Rao. Team Nacfun wishes you a lot of luck for Nacfun and we wish to see you on top Rank in our Global Leaderboard. #keepnacking

Previous Players of the month

Best performer of co-curricular, sports and academics in National Active Championship for the month

nehabudhija11 - Febuary 2024

Congratulations Neha Budhija! You are the Star Player of National Active Championship NacFun, You are shining like a star, and with the help of your hard work and determination, you have achieved the ‘Player of the Month’ Title in National Active Championship NacFun for the month of February 2024. We are proud of you Neha Budhija. Team Nacfun wishes you a lot of luck for Nacfun and we wish to see you on top Rank in our Global Leaderboard. #keepnacking

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